
3 unusual facts about Ernst Hanfstaengl

Lothar Machtan

In discussing his book in The Washington Post, Machtan told his interviewer that his research showed that some of Hitler's homosexual friends in Munich were the ones who opened many important doors for him, especially Ernst Röhm, Dietrich Eckart, and Ernst Hanfstaengl.

Neues vom Tage

The mischievous nudity particularly aroused the ire of Ernst "Putzi" Hanfstängel, Hitler’s musical advisor, and was later cited by the Nazis as evidence that the "degenerate art" of the "cultural bolshevist" Hindemith should be excluded from Germany.

Peter Conradi

He is the author of The Red Ripper: Inside the Mind of Russia's Most Brutal Serial Killer (about Andrei Chikatilo); Mad Vlad: Vladimir Zhirinovksy and the New Russian Nationalism and Hitler's Piano Player (about Ernst Hanfstaengl a.k.a. Putzi).

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