Conan the Mercenary is a fantasy novel written by Andrew J. Offutt and illustrated by Esteban Maroto featuring Robert E. Howard's seminal sword and sorcery hero Conan the Barbarian, the second volume in a trilogy beginning with Conan and the Sorcerer and concluding with The Sword of Skelos.
It was published by itself in paperback book form by Ace Books in 1981, in an edition profusely illustrated by Esteban Maroto.
Bartolomé Esteban Murillo | Esteban Moctezuma | San Esteban de Gormaz | Jade Esteban Estrada | Esteban Maroto | Michel Esteban | Maroto | Esteban Terradas i Illa | Esteban Alvarado | Battle of San Esteban de Gormaz | San Esteban National Park | San Esteban de Nogales | San Esteban | Rodolfo Esteban Cardoso | La Fuente de San Esteban | Esteban Villa | Esteban Salas y Castro | Esteban Jordan | Esteban de Perea | Esteban Batista |
This would rank him fourth among all artists at Warren after José Ortiz, Esteban Maroto and Luis Bermejo.