
unusual facts about Estimation

Pitch Gauge

Pitch Gauge is used to determine the slope or pitch of roofs, and can also provide an estimate of the square footage when given the length, width, pitch, and cut level (complexity).

A Ship of the Line

As a reward for his exploits, he is given command of HMS Sutherland, once the Dutch ship Eendracht, and which is, in Hornblower's estimation, "the ugliest and least desirable two-decker in the Navy List".

Atomic number

Nevertheless, in spite of Rutherford's estimation that gold had a central charge of about 100 (but was element Z = 79 on the periodic table), a month after Rutherford's paper appeared, Antonius van den Broek first formally suggested that the central charge and number of electrons in an atom was exactly equal to its place in the periodic table (also known as element number, atomic number, and symbolized Z).

Bessel's correction

In statistics, Bessel's correction, named after Friedrich Bessel, is the use of n − 1 instead of n in the formula for the sample variance and sample standard deviation, where n is the number of observations in a sample: it corrects the bias in the estimation of the population variance, and some (but not all) of the bias in the estimation of the population standard deviation.

Chabad messianism

In a letter addressed to Professor David Berger, Feldman points out that included in the Rambam's qualifications for the Messiah is that he "forces all of Israel to go in the way of Torah and Mitzvos ... and fights the wars of Hashem ...", and Feldman states that in his estimation Schneerson has not fulfilled these credentials.

Charles Roy Henderson

He invented three methods for the estimation of variance components in unbalanced settings of mixed models, and invented a method for constructing the inverse of Wright's numerator relationship matrix based on a simple list of pedigree information.

Conway–Maxwell–Poisson distribution

A full Bayesian estimation approach has been used with MCMC sampling implemented in WinBugs with non-informative priors for the regression parameters.

Difference in differences

Most papers that employ Difference-in-Differences estimation use many years of data and focus on serially correlated outcomes but ignore that the resulting standard errors are inconsistent, leading to serious over-estimation of t-statistics and significance levels.

Doppler echocardiography

The poor lateral resolution in the B-mode image also results in poor lateral resolution in flow estimation.

Energy policy of Russia

According to the estimation of Swedish economist Anders Åslund, 50% of the state-owned Gazprom's investments are lost through corrupt practices.

François Vernadat

F. Vernadat's research work has been dealing with enterprise architectures, enterprise modelling, enterprise integration, information systems design and analysis, CIM and various aspects of industrial engineering, such as facility layout, performance evaluation, cost estimation, and competency modelling.

George Sadowsky

For three years (1962–1965), while in graduate school at Yale, Sadowsky was a consultant to government agencies and research projects, e.g. he introduced the use of computers for revenue estimation in the Office of Tax Analysis of the U. S. Treasury Department and developed a large computer-based microanalytic simulation model to analyze the revenue and distributional effects of preliminary versions of the Revenue Act of 1964.

Good–Turing frequency estimation

Good–Turing frequency estimation was developed by Alan Turing and his assistant I. J. Good as part of their efforts at Bletchley Park to crack German ciphers for the Enigma machine during World War II.

Henry Schultz

His research was centered around a large program dedicated to the theory and estimation of private demand for goods functions, a project which started in the early 1920s, during his studies at the University of Chicago, and was completed shortly before his death with the publication of his highly influential book Schultz(1938).


For example, if OLS is performed on a heteroscedactic data set, yielding biased standard error estimation, a researcher might fail to reject a null hypothesis at a given significance level, when that null hypothesis was actually uncharacteristic of the actual population (making a type II error).

Jacques Drèze

Following a joint paper by Drèze and Sneessens (71), a major project (the European Unemployment Program) directed by Jacques Drèze and Richard Layard led to estimation of a common disequilibrium model in ten countries (B4, 93, 94).

John Mihaljevic

Mihaljevic served as James Tobin's research assistant from 1996–98 and worked with Professor Tobin to refine the Tobin's q estimation method.

Leverett George DeVeber

When Belcourt's bill came up for debate, DeVeber scolded him on the floor of the Senate for misrepresenting the committee's report as being much more supportive of the bill than it actually was; in the estimation of University of Ottawa law professor Jamie Benidickson, DeVeber's comments assured the bill's defeat.

Mutty Lall Seal

The college stood in high estimation of the public and competed successfully with the Government and Missionary Colleges in the University examinations (Suniti Kumar Chatterji and Swami Prabhupada were some illustrious students of this college).

Olga Zolina

2010 - Organization and planning of the WCRP Workshop on metrics and methodologies for estimation of extreme climate events, granted by WCRP, Willis RE, NASA, principal investigator.

2010 Chair, Scientific Organizing Committee “WCRP-UNESCO Workshop on metrics and methodologies of estimation of extreme climate events”, UNESCO headquarters, Paris, France

Operational bill

This form of document contrasts with that of bills of quantities in which such tendering and estimation is limited to the materials in the completed work.

Prais–Winsten estimation

In econometrics, Prais–Winsten estimation is a procedure meant to take care of the serial correlation of type AR(1) in a linear model.


Gardi, J.E., J.R. Nyengard, H.J.G. Gundersen, Automatic sampling for unbiased and efficient stereological estimation using the proportionator in biological studies, Journal of Microscopy, 2008, Vol.

Prosper Henricus Lankrink

His pictures were in considerable estimation, and he was occasionally employed by Sir Peter Lely to paint his backgrounds.

Ranjit Singh Gujjar

A research paper which he co-wrote, titled "A Rapid Method for Estimation of Abscisic Acid and Characterization of ABA Regulated Gene in Response to Water Deficit Stress from Rice", was published in volume 6, issue 3 of the American Journal of Plant Physiology.

Statistical signal processing

Thomas Kailath, Ali H. Sayed, and Babak Hassibi, Linear Estimation, Prentice-Hall, NJ, 2000, ISBN 978-0-13-022464-4.

Torleiv Maseng

His work included the standard use of channel estimation and the combination of equalization, error correcting codes and modulation in which the Viterbi algorithm was used by all components.

Z Society

According to University historian Philip Alexander Bruce, the society was formed to "skim the cream" from the Elis and T.I.L.K.A.; by his estimation, some 90% of the membership of the Z (or "Zetas," as he refers to them) were "in society," that is, of social distinction.

see also