
4 unusual facts about Eugene Sharrer

Abrahams Commission

In the period before a British protectorate was proclaimed 1891, the African Lakes Company and several individuals, notably Eugene Sharrer, Alexander Low Bruce (the son-in-law of David Livingstone) and John Buchanan and his brothers claimed that they had made treaties of protection or purchase agreements with various chiefs, under which they had become owners of large areas of land.

Certificates of Claim

Eugene Sharrer claimed to have acquired 363,034 acres, and he had attempted to induce chiefs to give up their sovereign rights: he also possibly intended to form his own Chartered company.

Eugene Sharrer

Kubula Stores Ltd failed to compete with the rural network of "Mandala" village stores of the African Lakes Company and was sold to this rival in the 1920s.

In 1890, the Portuguese government had granted the British government a Concession to establish a port Chinde on the Zambezi River delta.

see also