
22 unusual facts about European Court of Justice

Åke Green

However, the Supreme Court also stated that the freedom of expression as well as freedom of religion provided by the European Convention on Human Rights, which is superior to Swedish law, gives him protection, since jurisprudence shows that a conviction would probably not be upheld by the European Court.

Caribbean Community

Within the agreement under Article 234, the European Court of Justice also carries dispute resolution mechanisms between CARIFORUM and the European Union states.

Under Article 234, the European Court of Justice also carries dispute resolution mechanisms between CARIFORUM and the European Union states.

Costa v ENEL

The Italian judge, the Giudice Conciliatore of Milan referred the case first to the Italian Constitutional Court and then to the European Court of Justice.

Dangerous Preparations Directive

The European Court of Justice had ruled in 1985 that Dangerous Substances Directive (67/548/EEC) applies only to pure substances, not preparations (mixtures of substances).

Employment contract in English law

There are diverging views about the scope by which English law covers employees, as different tests are used for different kinds of employment rights, legislation draws an apparent distinction between a "worker" and an "employee", and the use of these terms are also different from their use in the European Court of Justice and European Union Directives.

European Court

the European Court of Justice (ECJ), an institution of the European Union (EU) for the resolution of disputes under EU law, based in Luxembourg

European Court of Justice

British Conservative MEP Sajjad Karim remarked, "Once again we have seen how an activist European Court can over-interpret the treaty. The EU's rules on sex discrimination specifically permit discrimination in insurance if there is data to back it up".

Gunnar Beck, The Legal Reasoning of the Court of Justice of the EU, Hart Publishing (Oxford), 2013.

European Free Trade Association Surveillance Authority

However, during the negotiations for the EEA agreement, the European Court of Justice informed the Council of the European Union by way of letter that they considered that giving the EU institutions powers with respect to non-EU member states would be a violation of the treaties, and therefore the current arrangement was developed instead.

European tort law

In community institutions, such as the Council, the Commission and the Court, where lawyers from all Member States work closely together, different legal backgrounds inevitably play a role.

The European Court of Justice (ECJ) has developed case law on the basis of general principles common to the laws of the Member States.

Joseph Carens

On the other hand we see that European citizens can use European courts and legal rights.

Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal

Case notes critically analyse and evaluate rulings from the House of Lords, the Privy Council, the national courts of the Commonwealth States, the European Court of Justice, and the European Court of Human Rights.

Parkwood Leisure Ltd v Alemo-Herron

Lord Hope, giving a unanimous judgment for the Supreme Court, referred to the European Court of Justice the question whether national courts could give a more favourable interpretation to legislation than had been given by German courts.

Productores de Música de España

The Promusicae v. Telefónica case continued until the European Court of Justice, who sentenced that Telefónica has no obligation of handing user data over to Promusicae.

RFC Liège

The club is also known today for being 'homeless' and for its refusal to release Jean-Marc Bosman after his contract ran out in 1990, which in turn led to the Bosman ruling, a European Court of Justice decision that caused major changes to the structure of European football.

SAS Institute Inc. v World Programming Ltd

The EU Court of Justice ruled that copyright protection does not extend to the software functionality, the programming language used and the format of the data files used by the program.

Tetra Laval

The merger was subject to anti-competitivity scrutiny from the European Commission but was finally allowed to go through after an appeal to the European Court of Justice.

Unfair terms in English contract law

though its compatibility with EU law is not yet established by the European Court of Justice, and it appears questionable that it would be decided the same under the proposed Unfair Contract Terms Bill.

Working Time Directive

The Working Time Directive has also been clarified and interpreted through a number of rulings in the European Court of Justice.

Yves Bot

Yves Bot (born August 22, 1947) is a French magistrate and currently serves as Advocate General at the European Court of Justice.

Alberto Alemanno

He became a qualified attorney at law in New York in 2004 and then served as a law clerk for Judge Allan Rosas and Judge Alexander Arabadjiev at the Court of Justice of the European Union and for Enzo Moavero Milanesi at the General Court of the European Union.

Antonio Mario La Pergola

Antonio Mario La Pergola (13 November 1931, Catania - 19 July 2007, Rome), Italian jurist, Advocate General and later Judge of the European Court of Justice of the European Union in Luxembourg, President of the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg.

China-EU School of Law

European members of the Advisory Board are: former President of the European Court of Justice, Gil Carlos Rodríguez Iglesias; Dean of the China Europe International Business School, Rolf D. Cremer; and former head of the European Union Delegation to China and Mongolia, Serge Abou.

English football on television

In February 2011, Advocate General Kokott of the European Court of Justice opined that the "closed periods" did not encourage match attendance at other league games.

Europe by Satellite

It is managed by the European Commission however it broadcasts images coming from all EU Institutions like the European Parliament, the European Council, the European Central Bank, the Committee of the Regions, the European Court of Justice.

Fish Legal

This Association takes private legal action against polluters to the House of Lords and the European Court if necessary, but most cases are settled out of Court if the Environment Agency has not proceeded against the polluter.

Leif Sevón

His positions include a directorate at the Ministry of Justice, the presidency of the EFTA Court, a seat in the European Court of Justice, and an advisory position at the Ministry of Foreign Affair's Trade Directorate.

Maastricht Treaty

The first pillar was where the EU's supra-national institutions—the Commission, the European Parliament and the European Court of Justice—had the most power and influence.

Nordsee case

Nordsee Deutsche Hochseefischerei GmbH v Reederei Mond Hochseefischerei Nordstern AG & Co KG is a case referred to the European Court of Justice (ECJ) by a German arbitrator by virtue of Article 267 TFEU(ex Article 234 of the TEC).

Piet Hein Donner

Piet Hein Donner's father, André Donner, was a judge at the European Court of Justice in 1958-1979 and was part of the government commission that looked into Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands's dealing with the Lockheed Corporation.

Police and Judicial Co-operation in Criminal Matters

It was based more around intergovernmental cooperation than the other pillars meaning there was little input from the European Commission, European Parliament and the Court of Justice.