
unusual facts about European standard

Bulk tank

European standard EN 13732 (Food processing machinery – Bulk milk coolers on farms – Requirements for construction, performance, suitability for use, safety and hygiene), published in 2003, updated in 2009

EN 1090

The EN 1090 standards are European standards that regulate the fabrication and assembly of steel and aluminium structures and are recognized by the Construction Products Directive (CPD).

Structural steel

Most steels used throughout Europe are specified to comply with the European standard EN 10025.

see also

Earth Human STR Allele Frequencies Database

MPGO is available just for ISSOL (Interpol Standard Set Of Loci), ESS (European Standard Set - recommended by ENFSI) and CODIS (Combined DNA Index System) loci.

RPF is available just for ISSOL (Interpol Standard Set Of Loci), ESS (European Standard Set - recommended by ENFSI) and CODIS (Combined DNA Index System) loci.

Fire safe cigarette

West of Scotland MSP Stewart Maxwell has been a long-time advocate of ‘fire-safer cigarettes’ and has called for Scotland to take a lead in developing a European standard.

Institut für Rundfunktechnik

Institut für Rundfunktechnik is a founding member of the Hybrid Broadcast Broadband TV (HbbTV) consortium of broadcasting and Internet industry companies (also including SES, OpenTV, Espial and ANT Software) that is promoting and establishing an open European standard (called HbbTV) for hybrid set-top boxes for the reception of broadcast TV and broadband multimedia applications with a single user interface.

Universal charger

Common External Power Supply, a European standard charger specification for smartphones