Felix Varela High School opened on August 28, 1999, in Miami, Florida, United States, is dedicated to the memory of Varela.
The school was named for Father Félix Varela (November 20, 1788 – February 27, 1853), a Cuban Roman Catholic Priest, human rights advocate, teacher, and an admired figure throughout the Cuban American exile community.
Felix Mendelssohn | Felix Frankfurter | Felix the Cat | Félix Guattari | María Félix | Félix Trinidad | Felix Klein | Carlos Varela | Julie Felix | Felix Rodriguez | Félix Houphouët-Boigny | Felix Da Housecat | José Félix Ribas Municipality, Aragua | Felix von Luckner | Felix Unger | Félix Rodríguez (Central Intelligence Agency) | Felix Magath | Félix Fénéon | Allyson Felix | Florencio Varela | Felix Werder | Felix the Cat: The Movie | Félix Resurrección Hidalgo | Felix Dzerzhinsky | Felix da Housecat | Felix Cavaliere | Rachel Félix | Leonor Varela | José Pedro Varela | Florencio Varela, Buenos Aires |