Monsterwolf, also known as Monster Wolf, is a 2010 Syfy original television film directed by Todor Chapkanov and stars Leonor Varela, Robert Picardo, and Marc Macaulay.
Carlos Varela | Florencio Varela | Leonor Varela | Leonor Michaelis | José Pedro Varela | Florencio Varela, Buenos Aires | Leonor Briones | Jesus Varela | Florencio Varela (writer) | Felix Varela High School | Félix Varela | Felipe Varela |
Balls Out: Gary the Tennis Coach is an American comedy film directed by Danny Leiner starring Seann William Scott, Randy Quaid and Leonor Varela.
Where God Left His Shoes is a 2007 drama film written and directed by Salvatore Stabile and starring John Leguizamo, Leonor Varela, Samantha Rose, Jerry Ferrara, and Adriane Lenox.