
2 unusual facts about F. E. Compton

Chandler Beach

Frank Compton was his associate since 1894, and became the general manager of C. B. Beach & Company in 1905.

He founded the publishing company C. B. Beach & Company, later renamed F. E. Compton & Co. after his associate Frank Compton took it over,

Charles Grayson

A close neighbor of Grayson's in Riverside, a scoutmaster and archer, was friends with prominent archers such as Art Young, Saxton Pope, and William "Chief" Compton.

David G. Compton

His 1970 novel The Steel Crocodile was nominated for the Nebula Award, and his 1974 novel The Continuous Katherine Mortenhoe was filmed as Death Watch by Bertrand Tavernier in 1979.

Nikola Tesla Museum

A series of selected letters, placed on both sides of the photograph, witnesses the highest acknowledgements expressed to Tesla by the greatest scientists of his time: Albert Einstein, William Crookes, Lord Kelvin, Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen, Robert A. Millikan, Lee de Forest, Edwin H. Armstrong, Arthur H. Compton, Arthur E. Kennelly, Popov and Pupin.

see also