Nowadays many hundreds of methods are practised; all, in some degree, owe a debt to Stedman's pioneering work which has value as well in mathematics (group theory) as well as the more limited field of bell-ringing.
While in London Fabian became a member of the Scholars of Cheapside, a society of ringing that practised at St Mary-le-Bow; the famous great bell of Bow from the nursery rhyme.
These so-called "plain changes" were recorded as early as 1621 for four bells, and a 1677 book by Fabian Stedman lists the solutions for up to six bells.
Fabian Nicieza | Erico Basilio Fabian | Stedman Graham | Lara Fabian | Fabian Society | Fabian | Stephen Fabian | Fabian Bruskewitz | Fabian Andre | Fabian Thylmann | Fabian Heimpel | Fabian Forte | Fabian (entertainer) | Fabián de la Rosa | Fabian Ver | Fabian Tassano | Fabian Ribauw | Fabian Marcaccio | Fabian Cortez | En Toute Intimité (Lara Fabian album) | Edmund Clarence Stedman | Battle of Fort Stedman | San Fabián | Marco Fabián | Lincoln Stedman | Lara Fabian (2000 album) | John M. Fabian | John Gabriel Stedman | Gareth Stedman Jones | Fred Stedman |