
unusual facts about Family Research Council

Family Research Institute

Other organizations cite FRI's research including the American Family Association, Coral Ridge Ministries, Concerned Women for America, Americans for Truth About Homosexuality, the Family Research Council.

Hate group

The Southern Poverty Law Center has designated several Christian groups as hate groups, including the American Family Association, the Family Research Council, Abiding Truth Ministries, American Vision, the Chalcedon Foundation, the Dove World Outreach Center the Traditional Values Coalition, and now the Westboro Baptist Church.

Kellyanne Conway

In 2012, in an interview with the Family Research Council, Conway compared Republican criticism of Todd Akin (Republican from Missouri), one of Conway's clients, to the siege in 1993 of cult leader David Koresh.

Phillip Jauregui

ValuesVoter.Org was created to serve America’s largest voting block and Jauregui serves on its board of directors along with Phyllis Schlafly of Eagle Forum, Rick Scarborough of Vision America, Alan Keyes of the Declaration Foundation, Manuel Miranda of the Third Branch Conference, Tom McClusky of the Family Research Council, Aryeh Spero of Caucus for America, Andrea Lafferty of Traditional Values Coalition and Janet Folger of Faith 2 Action.

see also