
unusual facts about Fantômas

Christophe Gans

Gans was to write and direct the Capcom video game Onimusha, however, after several setbacks he abandoned it and is now attached to the French film Fantômas.

Claude Carliez

Carrying on with not only period pieces such as Hunebelle's Fantômas series, Claude became the stunt arranger to André Hunebelle's OSS 117 film series in a manner similar to Bob Simmons of the James Bond films.

Fantômas se déchaîne

It was France's answer, with the Fantômas trilogy starting in 1964, to the James Bond phenomenon that swept the world at around the same time.


Louis Feuillade had already made two popular earlier serials, Fantômas (1913) and Les Vampires (1915) which were popular with audiences, but drew criticism for glorifying criminals.

Live from London

Live from London 2006, a DVD of the collaboration between Fantômas and The Melvins

Matthew Rozeik

He was also involved with the filming and sound on the Melvins Fantômas Big Band DVD, "Live From London 2006".

Pierre Souvestre

He is mostly remembered today for his co-creation with Marcel Allain of the fictional arch-villain and master criminal Fantômas.

S. Husky Höskulds

He began his career working with Mitchell Froom and Tchad Blake as a staff engineer at The Sound Factory in the early 90’s but would quickly move on to independent projects with Michael Penn, The Wallflowers, Sheryl Crow, Tom Waits and Fantômas.

see also