
unusual facts about Farm Boy

Farm Boy

The company started in December 1981, with its first store in Cornwall, Ontario.

see also

Brutus Hamilton

Hamilton was born on July 19, 1900 in Peculiar, Missouri, and in Missouri he grew up as a farm boy whose parents' property was next door to the Harry S. Truman family farm.

Charlie Brown and Franz Stigler incident

2nd Lt. Charlie Brown ("a farm boy from Weston, West Virginia", in his own words) was a B-17F pilot with United States Army Air Forces (USAAF)'s 379th Bomber Group stationed at RAF Kimbolton in England.

Cities in Flight

A Life for the Stars (1962) is a bildungsroman describing the adventures of a sixteen-year-old farm boy Chris, co-opted into an Earth city (Scranton, Pennsylvania) which has begun travelling in space.

Clarence R. Huebner

A farm boy from Bushton, Kansas, who spent almost seven years serving from private to sergeant in the 18th Infantry, Huebner received a regular commission in November 1916.

Cully Cobb

Cobb was originally a poor farm boy born in his grandfather's cabin near Prospect in Giles County in rural southern Tennessee.