He was chiefly pre-occupied with repulsing the last Norman attacks (966, 971), and with the struggle against the Zirids and the Fatimids in northern Morocco.
According to Ira M. Lapidus, public architecture under the Fatimids was an "extension of the ceremonial aspects of the royal court", and was also intricately made.
Above all, it demonstrated his superiority over his great rivals, the Fatimids of Ifriqiya in Northern Africa.
A female scholar in her own right, her title az-Zahra (the brilliant) was given to the oldest functioning university in the world, the al-Az'har/al-Azhar University in Cairo in 968, built by the Fatimids.
On 7 July 981, while the Fatimid army was engaged in besieging Qassam in Damascus, Mufarrij openly rebelled against the Fatimids, and was joined by Bishara, the governor of Tiberias, who joined the bedouin along with many of his men, mostly former Hamdanid soldiers.
The Shia Fatimids come to power in 969 CE in Egypt, they established the new capital called Cairo which was the seat of the Fatimid dynasty.
Ziri had the residence of Ashir built south of the future site of Algiers in 935, in which endeavour he was supported by the Fatimids with craftsmen and architects.