In contrast, modern color systems such as the Natural Color System (NCS) are built upon a color space paradigm, providing for much more flexibility and wider range of applications.
Similarly to other color standards of the pre-digital era such as RAL colour standard or British Standard 4800, the Federal Standard 595 is a color collection rather than color space.
Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia | Federal Bureau of Investigation | Federal Communications Commission | Federal Aviation Administration | United States federal judge | Federal government of the United States | Canadian federal election, 2004 | Standard Liège | Federal Emergency Management Agency | Australian federal election, 2007 | Standard Oil | Distrito Federal | Federal Trade Commission | Standard & Poor's | Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia | Federal | Canadian federal election, 2006 | Canadian federal election, 1993 | Canadian federal election, 1988 | Federal District (Brazil) | Federal architecture | United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit | Chancellor of Germany (Federal Republic) | Canadian federal election, 1984 | Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation | Canadian federal election, 2000 | Advanced Encryption Standard | Mexican Federal Highway | Federal Highway Administration | Canadian federal election, 2008 |