
unusual facts about Feige


Gerhard Feige (born 1951), bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Magdeburg, Germany


Gerhard Feige | Feige |

Adi Shamir

He is a co-inventor of the RSA algorithm (along with Ron Rivest and Len Adleman), a co-inventor of the Feige–Fiat–Shamir identification scheme (along with Uriel Feige and Amos Fiat), one of the inventors of differential cryptanalysis and has made numerous contributions to the fields of cryptography and computer science.

Armin Geus

In 2008, Geus published a collection of essays critical of Islam entitled Gegen die feige Neutralität ("Against coward neutrality") with contributions by a number of German academics and journalists, including Karl Doehring, Ralph Giordano, Michael Miersch and Tilman Nagel.

David Feige

Feige is co-creator with Steven Bochco of the TV series, Raising the Bar, which debuted on TNT September 1, 2008 to the highest ratings for a pilot episode in the history of ad-supported cable television.

Feige is the author of Indefensible: One Lawyer's Journey into the Inferno of American Justice, which recounts his experiences as a public defender in The Bronx, New York City.


Specifically, in East European Jewish society, there appeared various Matronymic family names such as Rivlin (from Rivka/Rebecca), Sorkin (from Sarah), Zeitlin (from Zeitl), Rochlin (from Rachel), Feiglin (from Feige) and others.

see also