
unusual facts about Fence

Houghton, Hampshire

Some of the remains of the deer park's boundary embankments (or pale) can still be seen near Black Lake Farm as you cross the valley on foot on the Clarendon Way.

1992 Grand National

The commentary team for the twenty-second consecutive year was John Hanmer who covered the first four fences, Julian Wilson who covered the fence before Becher's Brook until Valentine's Brook before handing back to Hanmer who covered the field back onto the racecourse proper, before handing over to the anchor commentator, Peter O'Sullevan who covered the start, midway point and finish of the race.

Aldo Andretti

Aldo continued racing on the USAC and IMCA circuits, but in 1969 Aldo suffered severe damage to his face after crashing into a fence, and quit racing.

Antigone Four

In the mid-1990s in New York City, the Henderson sisters created Antigone Rising and started playing gigs, initially in Bleecker Street venues including The Back Fence, Cafe Figaro and The Bitter End with Jen Zielenbach on bass and Dena Tauriello on drums.

Austrocylindropuntia floccosa

Huaraco are cultivated for the use of planting them close together to make living fences.

Battery Cameron

Robert Hanssen, the former FBI agent who spied for Soviet & Russian intelligence agencies until 2001, had a "dead drop" marker at the utility pole on the corner of Foxhall & Whitehaven, just outside the fence of the reservoir (formerly known as Battery Cameron).

Cardrona Bra Fence

The Bra Fence began at some point between Christmas and New Year 1999, when four bras were attached to the wire fence alongside the road.

Cat repeller

Cats Protection describe the use of electric fences as "barbaric" on their website due to the physical harming of a cat or any other creature that comes into contact with an electric fence.


Canadian Fence Industry Association, a Canadian trade association representing Canada's fence industry

Changi Depot

A Swiss national, Oliver Fricker was charged with three charges of trespassing into the depot on the early hours of May 17 and vandalising the train by spraying paint and damaging public property by cutting a wired fence into property belonging to the Land Transport Authority.

Charlie Merz

Unfortunately, the race also produced the first fatalities at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway when 26-year-old driver Wilfred Bourque and his 22-year-old riding mechanic Harry Holcomb struck a fence post.

David Nail

He participated in the 2010 Taco Bell All-Star Legends and Celebrity Softball Game, hitting a home run past the right-field fence in Angel Stadium.

Edgardo Alfonzo

In his first at bat of the game, Alfonzo homered over the center field fence, providing the Mets with all the offense they would need as Al Leiter threw a complete game shutout.

Edge Hill State School

"In the dry weather a lone Jabiru came yearly to stand motionless for hours in the lower paddock. Snakes including death adders were plentiful. A dairy farm adjoined the school. The cows in search of pasture, made tracks along the school's fence. At certain times of the year the areas where cows had been, produced enormous crops of delicious mushrooms"

Face of a Fugitive

Though having the chance to escape, he notices one of Williams' toughs Purdy (James Coburn) repairing the fence.

Fence Records

Various festivals have also hosted Fence Nights/Showcases including Edinburgh Festival Fringe and Glasgow's West End Festival.

Fiona Maazel

Maazel's work has appeared in publications including The New York Times Book Review, The New York Times, Tin House, Bomb, Fence, The Mississippi Review, Conjunctions, The Common, The Yale Review, Anthem, The Village Voice, N+1, This American Life, Selected Shorts, and on salon.com.

He Liked to Feel It

The video featured the band performing on a New York City rooftop interspersed with scenes of a boy pulling his tooth out in various ways, including tying the tooth to a taxicab, tying the tooth to a steak and throwing it to a dog on the other side of a fence, and tying the tooth to a crane.

Hortus conclusus

Sometimes, as with a Gerard David in London, the garden is very fully depicted; at other times, as in engravings by Martin Schongauer, only a wattle fence and a few sprigs of grass serve to identify the theme.

House at 20 Center Street

The front picket fence was added since 1982, and it became 20 Center Street at the end of the 20th century when many streets in the county were renumbered for 9-1-1 service.

John Doby Kennedy

However, he fell painfully wounded in the first charge, struck in the instep and Achilles tendon while crossing a wooden fence along the Hagerstown Pike.

Kenny Carter

He finished 5th in 1981 and repeated the result in 1982 in Los Angeles after a controversial Heat 14 exclusion following a coming together with defending champion (and eventual 1982 winner) Bruce Penhall in which Carter fell and was excluded for being the reason the race had to be stopped (Carter slid through the fence).

Kjell Bull-Hansen

When they reached the road's end, they could have run back into the city but instead climbed a fence, entering the property of the well-known brewery Aass.

LAPA Flight 3142

The jet overshot the runway, breaking through the airport's perimeter fence, crossed a road, hitting an automobile, and finally collided with road-construction machinery and a highway median.

Lee Bowers

However, two years later when Bowers was interviewed by assassination researchers Mark Lane and Emile de Antonio for their documentary film Rush to Judgment, he clarified that these two men were standing in the opening between the pergola and the stockade fence, and that "no one" was behind the fence when the shots were fired.

Li Shidao

After the imperial generals Li Guangyan and Wu Chongyin captured the Zhangyi outpost Lingyun Fence (陵雲柵, in modern Luohe, Henan) in fall 816, however, Li became apprehensive and submitted a petition offering to submit.

Lillis Business Complex

"Wind Fence" is a sculpture designed for and installed on the north side of the Lillis Business Complex by artist Ned Kahn.

Mike Menosky

Born in Glen Campbell, Pennsylvania, he was known as "Leaping Mike" for his daring, fence-crashing catches.

Monique Kavelaars

In one episode, Ingrid taught Luke Perry how to fence, alluding to a shared childhood in fencing training.

Mosquito laser

According to Nathan Myhrvold, co-founder of Intellectual Ventures, the Photonic Fence can kill up to 50 to 100 mosquitoes a second, at a maximum range of 100 ft.

Nathaniel D. Mann

"Climb de Golden Fence : (oh my! wicked piccaninny)", lyrics by Hattie Starr, M. Witmark & Sons, 1895, interpolated into a production of C.W. Taylor's 1852 stage adaptation of Uncle Tom's Cabin.

Ned Williamson

Cap Anson, the team captain, and on-field manager, decided that in 1884, balls that were hit over the fence were to be home runs.

Nokota horse

However, when Theodore Roosevelt National Park was established in the 1940s, during construction, a few bands of horses were accidentally enclosed within the Park fence, and by 1960 these bands were the last remaining feral horses in North Dakota.

Nuevo Cine Mexicano

Other films include Mil nubes de paz cercan el cielo, amor, jamás acabrás de ser amor (A Thousand Clouds of Peace Fence the Sky, Love; Your Being Love Will Never End) and El cielo dividido (Broken Sky), directed by Julián Hernández, and Sangre, directed by Amat Escalante and produced by Jaime Romandía and Reygadas.

Pete Schneider

A sixth home run was missed by two feet when he belted a line-drive double off the center field fence (May 11, 1923).

Pine Residence

The French State became the owner of the buildings and tenant of the Beirut municipal forest ground which was adjacent and separated from the Beirut Hippodrome by a simple wooden fence.

Plaza Monumental Román Eduardo Sandia

Plaza Monumental Román Eduardo Sandia also known as the Plaza de Toros de Mérida is a plaza de toros first class located in the city of Mérida, Venezuela being one of the main infrastructure for cultural and artistic events to large scale of the city after the Estadio Olímpico Metropolitano and the fence locations for the bullfights in the frame of the Feria Internacional del Sol.

RFUEA Ground

Bougainvillia shrubs were laid along the fence, four rows of trees were planted on the Eastern side of the ground to act as a windbreak and the car-park was levelled.

Running Fence

The piece was the subject of a 1978 documentary film Running Fence by Albert and David Maysles.

Samuel C. Wright

Brigadier General Thomas Francis Meagher, commanding the Irish Brigade, called for volunteers to tear down the fence.

Shiogama Jinja

Bashō recounts his visit in Oku no Hosomichi, telling off the magnificent pillars, painted ceiling, long flight of stone steps, votive lanterns, and the 'sparkle of the vermilion fence in the morning sun'.

Simon Gillis

Gillis was practicing with a 16 pound hammer in a vacant lot on Park Avenue between 134th and 135th street on September 30, 1904, and "just as he had let the 16 pound hammer go for an extra long throw, Christian Koehler, a fourteen-year old boy, climbed the fence in pursuit of a baseball. Gillis and several boys shouted a warning, but Koehler did not hear. The hammer struck him in the head and he was instantly killed."

Sir Frederick Jones, 1st Baronet

He was managing director of Rother Vale Collieries Ltd which owned several collieries in the area of Treeton near Rotherham, Yorkshire, including Treeton, Fence and Orgreave mines.

Skywest Airlines Flight 1834

The main section of the SkyWest Airlines aircraft came to rest in the middle of a suburban street after sliding through a chain-link fence.

Soham murders

The girls' bodies were found in a ditch near the perimeter fence of RAF Lakenheath in Suffolk, about six miles from Soham, on 17 August.

South West Queensland

The Dingo Fence runs through the region and is the world's longest fence.

Tao Yuanming

Much subsequent Chinese painting and literature would require no more than the mention or image of chrysanthemums by the eastern fence to call to mind Tao Yuanming's life and poetry.

Weekly Manga Times

From 1969 until 1980, the magazine advertised on the outfield fence at Meiji Jingu Stadium.

Worldview Pictures

Martin Sheen narrated Worldview Pictures’ 2001 feature, Stockpile: The New Nuclear Menace, which is the result of two years of research “inside the fence” at Los Alamos Nuclear Laboratory and the Russian nuclear city of Arzamas-16 (Sarov).

see also