
unusual facts about Feral


Feral cats on the other hand are generally agreed to be the descendants of domesticated cats that have themselves never been domesticated.

Arapawa Pig

The Arapawa Pig is a feral breed of domestic pig (Sus scrofa) found on Arapawa Island in the Marlborough Sounds, New Zealand.

Australian Cashmere goat

Cashmere was effectively rediscovered on Australian goats in 1972 when two CSIRO researchers Dr. Ian Smith and Mr. Wal Clarke identified cashmere on some feral goats under inspection at the property of The Australian Mohair Company at Brewarrina.

Australian feral camel

(Other feral dromedary populations existed in the 20th century in Doñana National Park in Spain, and in the southwestern United States, while a small population of wild Bactrian camels still exists in the Gobi Desert.) Live camels are exported to Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Brunei and Malaysia, where disease-free wild camels are prized as a delicacy.

Baw Baw frog

The cause of this reduction is unknown, but the usual suspects of predation by feral animals, habitat degradation, chytrid fungus and ozone layer depletion may each have contributed.


The family rushes to where Peter left a doll of Edna Garrett from The Facts of Life (though Chris also reminds everyone that Edna Garrett was first seen in Diff'rent Strokes) and find him in the bushes acting like a nonspeaking feral beast with long hair, a long beard, a partially muddy body, and wearing what's left of his underwear.

Coyote Springs

Coyote Springs, Utah, a Tule Valley spring system used by local wildlife and feral horses.

Cyclura rileyi cristata

Imported black rats and a feral raccoon have taken their toll on the population by direct predation.

European wildcat

In 2012, conservationists reported discovering previously unknown populations of Scottish wildcats living in the Cairngorms National Park, but still threatened because of crossbreeding with domestic and feral cats.

Exmoor pony

The Exmoor pony is a horse breed native to the British Isles, where some still roam as semi-feral livestock on Exmoor, a large area of moorland in Devon and Somerset in southwest England.

Faroe Islands domestic animals

It lived a feral existence on the island of Lítla Dímun, but all specimens of this breed were shot in the 19th century.

Feral chicken

Like the Red Junglefowl (the closest wild relative of domestic chickens), feral chickens will take flight and roost in tall trees and bushes in order to avoid predators at night.

Feral House

A sister imprint to Feral House, Process Media, was founded in 2005 in a collaboration with Jodi Wille of Dilettante Press to publish titles apart from the connotations of Feral House.

Green swordtail

Feral populations have established themselves in southern Africa, including Natal, Hawaii, Madagascar and eastern Transvaal in South Africa and Otjikoto Lake in Namibia.

Helianthemum greenei

It is present on three of the eight islands, where it has historically been threatened by feral herbivores such as the Santa Cruz sheep and is making a gradual recovery.

Involuntary park

Involuntary park is a neologism coined by science fiction author and environmentalist Bruce Sterling to describe previously inhabited areas that for environmental, economic or political reasons have, in Sterling's words, "lost their value for technological instrumentalism" and been allowed to return to an overgrown, feral state.

Nokota horse

However, when Theodore Roosevelt National Park was established in the 1940s, during construction, a few bands of horses were accidentally enclosed within the Park fence, and by 1960 these bands were the last remaining feral horses in North Dakota.

Northern European short-tailed sheep

Lítla Dímun – Lived feral on the island of Lítla Dímun in the Faroe Islands, becoming extinct in the mid-nineteenth century.

Ornamental animal

A red-eared type of White Park which lives only as a feral animal at Chillingham Castle in northern England (and at one other site).

Pitt–Hopkins syndrome

Peter the Wild Boy – an 18th century feral child now believed to have had the syndrome

Pomaderris vacciniifolia

Factors in the decline of the species include browsing by feral deer, land clearing, and the 2009 Black Saturday bushfires.

Rosa 'Harison's Yellow'

Harison's Yellow is naturalized at abandoned house sites through the west and is found as a feral rose along the Oregon Trail.

Sister Kinderhook

The album revolves around a fantastical theme that explores subject matter such as the New Netherland settlements, Colonial Federalism, feral children, the Anti-Rent Wars of 1844, Early American portraiture, and the prehistoric Mound Builder giants of Illinois and Ohio.

Splashed white

Since the original study in the early part of the last century, in addition to the breeds identified as carrying the SW-1, -2 or -3 alleles, splashed white has also been identified, but not mapped, in American Saddlebreds, Morgan horses, the Irish Tinker or Gypsy horse, the Indian Kathiawari and feral Abaco Barbs of the Bahamas.

Timeline of the Greater Victoria Water System

In 1995, 100 people became ill when water from the Humpback reservoir, which was still in service, became contaminated with the parasite Toxoplasma gondii, which causes toxoplasmosis, from the feces of feral cats.


The authors also argue that feral cats act as vectors for diseases that can impact domestic cats, wildlife and humans, examples include feline leukemia virus, feline immunodeficiency virus, fleas and ear mites (which are also carried by canines and wildlife), hookworms, roundworms, Bartonella, Rickettsia, Coxiella and Toxoplasma gondii, and that fecal matter has also been shown to degrade water quality.


Predation by feral tegus may pose a threat to Florida's endangered wildlife, such as the Key Largo woodrat and the American Crocodile.

When the Killing's Done

Native wildlife populations on the islands, both part of Channel Islands National Park, had been pushed toward extinction by a variety of invasive species, including the golden eagle, black rats, and feral pigs and sheep.

X-Men: The End

Sinister sends his minions (Shaitan, Divinity, TechnarX, Shakti, and Scalphunter) to kill most X-Force members, including Cable - seemingly succeeding in killing all but a few (Feral, Rictor, and Domino survive).

see also