
13 unusual facts about Fernando Botero

Berrío Park station

In the same area, Botero Park is an outdoor museum with sculptures by Colombian artist Fernando Botero.

Casa de Nariño

The anteroom of the formal room is decorated with the pictures Madre Superiora or La Monja (The nun) by Fernando Botero, the triptych Glorificación de Bolívar by Andrés de Santa María and Angela Cayendo by Alejandro Obregón.

Empire Towers

His early works appear metallic and thin, while his current works are seen as having "a decidedly feminine character and deals with a sculptural volume that is more Botero than Giacometti."

Fernando Botero Zea

Born in Mexico City, Fernando Botero Zea is the first son of the renowned artist Fernando Botero and Gloria Zea, who later became the Colombian Minister of Culture.

He is a son of the internationally recognized painter and sculptor Fernando Botero.

Francisco Luque

The disproportion detected in his human figures, opposite to the canon of conventional beauty, puts him closer to Fernando Botero full of tenderness and serenity.

In the sculptures of Francisco Luque, the close and defined painting stroke characteristic of Fernando Botero is transformed in smoothness and curves, which enclosed in themselves the female spirit, main motif of the artist.

Georgy Shishkin

At Christie's, during an auction in the Principality, one of his paintings reached fourth place among works of famous artists like Arman, Botero, Folon or Matta (Le Figaro, 20 March 1999).

Latin American art

Colombian figurative artist Fernando Botero, whose work features unique "puffy" figures in various situations addressing themes of power, war, and social issues, has used this technique to draw parallels between current governing bodies and the Spanish monarchy.

Naked Pueblo

::Sam tells of his trips to strip joints in Nogales with his old friend Beezer and of the strain this puts on his marriage to Becky who is working on a dissertation on Botero entitled The Sensuality of Plump.

Plaza de la Escandalera

The statue "Maternity" (La Maternida) by Colombian-artist Fernando Botero is located in the plaza.

Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando

Francisco Goya was once one of the academy's directors, and, its alumni include Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dalí, Antonio López García, Juan Luna, and Fernando Botero.

World Erotic Art Museum Miami

The collection ranges from folk art to world known artists and their artwork.The Museum shows artwork from artists like Rembrandt, Picasso, Salvador Dalí, Fernando Botero as well as Robert Maplethorpe, Helmut Newton and Bunny Yeager to name just a few out of more than 4000.

Heinz Günter Mebusch

Black and white portraits and colour prints were made of Joseph Beuys, James Lee Byars, Ford Beckmann, Fernando Botero, Herman de Vries, Felix Droese, Erró, Keith Haring, Dennis Hopper, Jörg Immendorff, Martin Kippenberger, Meret Oppenheim, A.R. Penck, Gerhard Richter, Richard Serra, Yannis Tsarouchis and Wolf Vostell.

Museum of Memory and Human Rights

In 2012, there was an exhibition by Columbian painter Fernando Botero featuring drawings and paintings about the Abu Ghraib tortures.