Bishop also brought along Tim Harriss, both of Kepone, to play lead guitar as Flattus Maximus.
Circus Maximus | Valerius Maximus | Pontifex Maximus | Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus | Quintus Fabius Maximus | Magnus Maximus | Pecten maximus | Flattus Maximus | Caecina Decius Maximus Basilius | Steroid Maximus | Spurius Carvilius Maximus | Quintus Fabius Maximus (consul 45 BC) | Optimus Maximus keyboard | National Lampoon's 301: The Legend of Awesomest Maximus | Maximus of Moesia | Maximus of Jerusalem | Maximus | Limax maximus | Gluteus maximus muscle | Gellius Maximus | Fabius Maximus | Decumanus Maximus | decumanus maximus | Clianthus maximus | Circus Maximus (Norwegian band) | Arch of Titus (Circus Maximus) |
This track puts emphasis on the thrash metal style GWAR had been developing for about 5 years previous to Beyond Hell and features fast paced riffing by Balsac the Jaws of Death and Flattus Maximus as well as barked vocals by Oderus Urungus.