During the Flavian dynasty a team-based structure was introduced to the Roman agoge which put groups of students under the command of a team leader or boagos (βοαγός).
According to Holder, the regiment was transferred to Britain immediately after it was recruited, in accordance with a general imperial policy of deploying auxiliary units from recently conquered (or pacified) regions to other parts of the Empire in order to assure their loyalty (e.g. 7 British regiments, raised during the Flavian period (71-96), are attested as deployed in Dacia in the reign of Hadrian).
In terms of forts, one theory has the regiment stationed in Poetovio (Ptuj, Slovenia) in the Flavian period (69-96) and then moving to Carnuntum with Legio XIV Gemina.
Then called Deultum, it was the only Roman colony on Bulgarian land in the Flavian dynasty.
Flavian pottery confirms the origin of the fort as a wooden structure, replaced in stone around AD 100, with the bath house located outside the fort's southern defences contemporary with the rebuilding.
Rottweil was founded by the Romans in AD 73 as Arae Flaviae and became a municipium, but there are traces of human settlement going back to 2000 BC.
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The Hispanic name of Domitian (51 – 96 AD), a Roman Emperor of the Flavian dynasty
In 79 he was apparently involved in plotting with the former Vitellian general Aulus Caecina Alienus against the Flavian dynasty.