
2 unusual facts about Ptolemaic dynasty

Copernican heliocentrism

The prevailing astronomical model of the cosmos in Europe in the 1,400 years leading up to the 16th century was that created by the Roman citizen Claudius Ptolemy in his Almagest, dating from about 150 A.D. Throughout the Middle Ages it was spoken of as the authoritative text on astronomy, although its author remained a little understood figure frequently mistaken as one of the Ptolemaic rulers of Egypt.

Ptolemaic dynasty

Familial Graves' disease could explain the swollen necks and eye prominence (exophthalmos), although this is unlikely to occur in the presence of morbid obesity.

Auguste Bouché-Leclercq

He wrote important works about the Ptolemaic dynasty and the Seleucid Empire and translated the works of German historians into French, for example 1883-1885 the Geschichte des Hellenismus by Johann Gustav Droysen.

Egyptian chronology

Synchronisms with inscriptions relating to the burial of Apis bulls begin as early as the reign of Amenhotep III and continue into Ptolemaic times, but there is a significant gap in the record between Ramesses XI and the 23rd year of Osorkon II.


Under Alexander III of Macedon and the Egyptian Ptolemies(from 336 B.C.) the town developed into one of the great centers in the Ægean; Josephus ("Ant." xiv. 7, § 2) quotes Strabo to the effect that Mithridates was sent to Kos to fetch the gold deposited there by the queen Cleopatra of Egypt.

Publius Clodius Pulcher

Out of personal hatred for the Lagid king Ptolemy of Cyprus, younger brother of Pharaoh Ptolemy XII Auletes, he passed a bill terminating his kingship and annexing Cyprus to the Empire.

Temple of Khonsu

In Ptolemaic times, Ptolemy III Euergetes constructed a great gateway and enclosure wall for the temple, only the gateway now remains (see below).

see also


Ptolemy V Epiphanes (reigned 204–181 BC), ruler of the Ptolemaic dynasty

Gaius Asinius Rufus

Chris Bennett, Egyptian Royal Genealogy - Ptolemaic Dynasty, 2005.

Ptolemy I Soter

Duncan Sprott's novel The Ptolemies features Ptolemy as a central character and founder of the Ptolemaic Dynasty.

Ptolemy III Euergetes

Ptolemais - towns and cities named after members of the Ptolemaic dynasty.