
3 unusual facts about Fleet Market

Boys Err Burrill

He was born around 1762 / 3 and apprenticed to a master watchmaker(Boys Err May) in the Fleet Market area of London.

Farringdon Without

The modern Farringdon Street was built over it, with the Fleet Market opening for the sale of meat, fish and vegetables in 1737.

Fleet Market

By 1829, the market was dilapidated and considered an obstacle to the increasing volume of traffic; and was cleared for the construction of Farringdon Road.

Farringdon Market

Farringdon Market was a market erected in 1829 to replace the Fleet Market, which had been cleared for the widening of Farringdon Street and Farringdon Road.

see also

James Shears and Sons

In 1810 Shears and his sons still appear to have been resident in the Fleet Market premises at Fleet Market, but at the time of his death James Shears had a house at The Oval, Kennington.