
9 unusual facts about Fleury Abbey


Following a visit to Fleury Abbey near Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire he founded in Lorraine the male monastery of Saint-Epvre and the female monastery of Bouxières-aux-Dames.

Codex Floriacensis

According to the inscription on folio 130 it belonged in the 11th century to the famous Benedictine Abbey of Fleury on the Loire (hence name of the codex).

Fleury Abbey

The monastery underwent a season of reform in its monastic life, about 930, along the lines first laid out at Cluny.

The monk of Fleury named Helgaud (died ca 1068), was chaplain to King Robert II and wrote a brief Epitoma vitae Roberti regis.

Fleury Abbey (Floriacum) in Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire, Loiret, France, founded about 640, is one of the most celebrated Benedictine monasteries of Western Europe, which possesses the relics of St. Benedict of Nursia.

Its site on the banks of the Loire has always made it easily accessible from Orléans, a center of culture unbroken since Roman times.

Theodulphus, bishop of Orléans established at Fleury a school for young noblemen recommended there by Charlemagne.

Paul Pétau

Many of them had been acquired from the collection of Greek and Hebrew books formed by Jean de Saint André, or out of the mass of chronicles, romances, and old French poems belonging to Claude Fauchet, and a large portion came, as we have seen, out of an ancient Benedictine Abbey.


This town hosts the Abbaye de Fleury, also known as the Abbaye de Saint Benoît (Saint Benedict Abbey).

Foebus abierat

The poem was rediscovered in 1960 by the medieval-lyric specialist Peter Dronke in a Bodleian manuscript dating ca. 1000 and copied at the monastery of Fleury on the Loire river.

Ordo Rachelis

There are the Lamentatio Rachelis from Saint-Martial at Limoges (eleventh century), a lengthy part of an Epiphany play from Laon (twelfth century), a play from Freising (late eleventh century), and another one from Fleury (thirteenth century).

Pope John XVIII

He also adjudicated a squabble between the abbot of Fleury and the bishops of Sens and Orléans.

Saint Martial school

But notated evidence of alternative practices, where the organal voice changes between different strategies of heterophony (parallel and counter movement) and holding notes which support the modal colour of the cantus, can already be found as later added exemplification in monophonic manuscripts of the Abbeys in Saint-Maur-des-Fossés, Fleury, and Chartres.

see also