Charles Darwin explored peloria in Antirrhinum (snapdragon) while researching the inheritance of floral characteristics for his The Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication.
Symmetry | symmetry breaking | Scar Symmetry | Reflection symmetry | Perfect Symmetry | Her Fearful Symmetry | Floral Games | Above Symmetry | T-symmetry | The Floral Dance | Symmetry breaking | symmetry | '''''Spontaneous symmetry breaking simplified''''': - At high energy levels ''(left)'' the ball settles in the center, and the result is symmetrical. At lower energy levels ''(right)'', the overall "rules" remain symmetrical, but the "Mexican hat | Rotational symmetry | rotational symmetry | reflection symmetry | Perfect Symmetry World Tour | Perfect Symmetry (Keane album) | Origin of Symmetry | Molecular symmetry | molecular symmetry | Mirror symmetry | "local" symmetry | Homological mirror symmetry | Floral Park, New York | Floral design | Circular symmetry | Axial symmetry | American Institute of Floral Designers |