
unusual facts about Florid


Florid, Illinois, an unincorporated community in Putnam County, Illinois, USA

Alexander Bestuzhev

The works of Bestuzhev may be classified as the florid Romanticism in the vein of Lord Byron, Hugo or Walter Scott.

Morning Sedition

"Rapture Watch", where 'Milf Cardinal Milfington' (staff writer Jim Earl), with florid pseudo-religious gobbledegook (including tongues), cited actual events that portend the End of Days.

Richard Barnfield

This was a sort of florid romance, in two books of six-line stanzas, in the manner of Lodge and Shakespeare, dealing at large with the complaint of Daphnis for the love of Ganymede.

Tempus clausum

During the creative period of Johann Sebastian Bach in Leipzig, no figural or florid church music, such as his cantatas, was performed in Advent from the second to the fourth Sunday in Advent, and in Lent from the first Sunday in Lent (Invocavit) to Palm Sunday (Palmarum), with the exception of the feast of the Annunciation on 25 March.

Tinea incognito

As the skin fungal infection has lost some of the characteristic features due to suppression of inflammation, it may have a poorly defined border, skin atrophy, telangiectasia, and florid growth.

see also