
unusual facts about Fodder

Company quartermaster sergeant

He was also responsible for acquiring fuel, forage for the horses, and straw for bedding for the company.

16 Horsepower

For the bulk of its career, the band consisted of Edwards, Jean-Yves Tola, and Pascal Humbert, the latter two formerly of the French band Passion Fodder.

Allium ursinum

In the Swiss Neolithic settlement of Thayngen-Weier (Cortaillod culture) there is a high concentration of pollen from A. ursinum in the settlement layer, interpreted by some as evidence for the use of A. ursinum as fodder.


Butea monosperma, also known as Flame of the Forest or Bastard Teak in English, Kingshuk or Palash in Bengali or Hindi, Kesudo or Khakhro in Gujarati, is native to India and Southeast Asia, where it is used for timber, resin, fodder, medicine, and dye.

Cannon Fodder 3

Jon Hare and his company Sensible Software, the developers of Cannon Fodder and its prior sequels, were uninvolved with Cannon Fodder 3.

Chiswick Eyot

Chiswick Eyot was used during the industrial revolution mostly for the growing of grass and osiers (basket willows, used for basketry, furniture, cart-making, as well as cattle fodder).


Prior to the American Civil War, cowpeas were rarely eaten by Americans, however and were used primarily as fodder.


Both were part of the rock formation Passion Fodder from 1985 to 1991 before they split up and Cantat moved on to establish his own famous band Noir Désir, whereas Humbert went on to join the American band 16 Horsepower, and later to Lilium and Wovenhand, amongst others.


E85 advocates counter that allegation by pointing out that over 93% of all corn grown in the United States is never fed to people, but is instead used as livestock feed.

Global Steak

Professor Arnold van Huis at Wageningen University in Netherlands says that locust can produce 1 kg protein from 2 kg fodder compared to a cow needing 10 kg fodder to produce the same amount protein.

Indian millet

All of these are members of the family Poaceae and they are either fodder or grain producing plants.


According to local sources, people decided here due to appropriate Food and Fodder availability which is due to bless of Baba banasur chatri at this place.


Mangelwurzel, Mangel worzel, a root vegetable, used as animal fodder, member of the Beta Vulgaris family

Mila Mulroney

Her frequent shopping sprees became tabloid fodder, with some in the press dubbing her “Imelda” for her love of shoes (she allegedly had over 100 pairs).

Mount Barker, South Australia

Mount Barker is also famous as the place where the value of subterranean clover, Trifolium subterraneum as a fodder crop was discovered, proved and first promoted by A. W. Howard.

Qazi Zafar Hussain

He established a stud farm at Hazel Pur, Renala Khurd, where In 1913, Renala Khurd Stud State Farm leased out 5,000 acres (20 km²) of land to the Punjab government to cater to the needs of the army for horses, fodder and dairy products, and the tenancy agreements continued.

Raimundo Perellós

Rueda is a rather common name in several places in Spain, but Rueda de Jalón had been always a pivotal center to control and to close, eventually, access by the Castilians to the river Ebro, through the river Jalón, whose sources, located near Medinaceli area, a Castilian area, provided water and fodder for the brisky trade outspots along the river, heavily populated by Muslim farmers and Jewish traders and money changing quarters.


Stracciata is produced in the municipalities of Agnone, Capracotta, Carovilli and Vastogirardi with milk from local breeds of cattle, mostly kept at pasture and fed with fodder.

Swami Keshwanand

By one account: "There was no vegetation left on the ground. There was no drop of water. All the animals died for want of fodder. People survived on grasses and the bark of "Khejri" trees. Even that also became scarce. There was nothing like governance. The ruling Samants were least bothered for the poor people....".

Teddy Soeriaatmadja

He was quoted in the Jakarta Globe as saying that he did not want to portray transsexuals as comedic fodder, an approach common in Indonesian films.

Texas Revolution

To the disappointment of the Texans, the saddlebags contained only fodder for the horses; for this reason the battle was later known as the Grass Fight.

Trifolium subterraneum

Its value as a fodder crop was discovered, proved and first promoted by Amos William (A.W.) Howard, of Mount Barker, South Australia.

William Nicholas Willis

He had become a supplier of horses and fodder to the British Army in South Africa and he recruited Australian bushmen as scouts and sharpshooters during the Boer War.

see also