
4 unusual facts about Fontenelle

French people in Nebraska

In 1822 the Missouri Fur Company built a headquarters and trading post about nine miles north of the mouth of the Platte River on the site of Fontenelle's Post.

Jean-François Baltus

Réponse à l'historie des oracles de M. de Fontenelle (Strasburg, 1707), was a critical treatise on the oracles of paganism, on which Fontenelle had written in Histoire des oracles.

La Fontenelle

Guy Éder de La Fontenelle - infamous 16th century bandit in Brittany, France during the wars of the Holy League.

Marguerite de Launay, baronne de Staal

Mlle de Launay lived there until 1710 in the enjoyment of the utmost consideration, and held a little court of her own, which included Brunel, the friend of Fontenelle, the sieur de la Rey and the abbé Vertot.

Cambron Abbey

It became one of the wealthiest monasteries of Hainault and variously founded, or was given the supervision of, several daughter houses: the abbeys of Fontenelle at Valenciennes (1212), Nieuwenbosch near Ghent (1215), Épinlieu at Mons (1216), Beaupré near Mechelen (1221), Le Refuge at Ath (1224), Le Verger at Cambrai (1225) and Baudeloo at Saint-Nicolas (1225).

Luxeuil Abbey

To Luxeuil came such monks as Conon, abbot of Lérins Abbey to prepare for the reform of his monastery, and Saints Wandregisel and Philibert, founders respectively of the abbeys of Fontenelle and Jumièges in Normandy, who spent years in studying the rule observed in monasteries which derived their origin from Luxeuil.

The Battle of the Books

This literary contest was re-enacted in miniature in England when Sir William Temple published an answer to Fontenelle entitled Of Ancient and Modern Learning in 1690.

Tico Santa Cruz

Tico Santa Cruz (born Luis Guilherme Brunetta Fontenelle de Araújo; September 30, 1977 in Rio de Janeiro) is the frontman of Detonautas Roque Clube.

see also