
3 unusual facts about Luxeuil Abbey

Luxeuil Abbey

In 731 a raiding party of Moors under the skilful general, Abdul Rahman Al Ghafiqi, governor of Al-Andalus, penetrating from Arles deep into Burgundy, briefly took possession of Luxeuil and massacred most of the community.

Luxeuil sent out monks to found houses at Bobbio, between Milan and Genoa, where Columbanus himself became abbot, and monasteries at Saint-Valéry and Remiremont.

To Luxeuil came such monks as Conon, abbot of Lérins Abbey to prepare for the reform of his monastery, and Saints Wandregisel and Philibert, founders respectively of the abbeys of Fontenelle and Jumièges in Normandy, who spent years in studying the rule observed in monasteries which derived their origin from Luxeuil.

Adso of Montier-en-Der

Born of rich and noble parents, he was educated at Luxeuil Abbey, was called to Toul as instructor of the clergy, and made abbot of Moutier-en-Der in 960.

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