Ford Festival, also known as Ford Festival Time or The James Melton Show, is an hour-long television show, sponsored by Ford Motor Company, hosted by James Melton, and broadcast on NBC Television beginning on April 5, 1951.
Ford Motor Company | Ford | Sundance Film Festival | Gerald Ford | Cannes Film Festival | Ford Foundation | Francis Ford Coppola | Toronto International Film Festival | Glastonbury Festival | Henry Ford | John Ford | Edinburgh Festival | Royal Festival Hall | Harrison Ford | Venice Film Festival | Ford Mustang | festival | Ford Model T | Tribeca Film Festival | Ford Fiesta | Salzburg Festival | Montreux Jazz Festival | Glenn Ford | Edinburgh Festival Fringe | Ford Explorer | Oregon Shakespeare Festival | Monterey Jazz Festival | film festival | Bayreuth Festival | Tennessee Ernie Ford |
In the season, he had a best finish of sixth at Symmons Plains, but in the Australian Formula Ford Festival at Winton, he finished second.