
unusual facts about Fortune 100

Stephen D. Unwin

Formerly the technical attaché to the United States Department of Energy for the British government, he is president of his own consulting firm, specializing in risk management for various Fortune 100 clients.

see also

Anshe Chung

She counts several Fortune 100 companies among her clients as well as high profile organizations such as the government of Baden-Wuerttemberg and LifeChurch.tv, whose Second Life entry her firm developed.

Fortune 500

Although the Fortune 500 list is the most familiar one, similar gross revenue lists of the top firms range from the highest ranking Fortune 100 including the top one hundred to the broader ranking Fortune 1000 that includes the top thousand firms.

Infotech Enterprises

2002 - Infotech announces strategic business relationship with Pratt & Whitney division of United Technologies Corporation, a Fortune 100 company.