Created in 1976 by Rev. David Mainse, it first aired on June 15, 1977 from its first studios located at 100 Huntley Street in the St. James Town area of Downtown Toronto.
He has been a regular television personality on shows like 100 Huntley Street and TLC's The Messengers.
After founding and pastoring a small church in Kelowna, BC in 1988, Garry returned to Edmonton in 1992 as director of the 100 Huntley Street counselling center.
Since then, Mink has appeared on many Christian television productions: The 700 Club, The Kathryn Kuhlman Show, Help Line, Turning Point, 100 Huntley Street, PTL, TBN, The Believer's Voice of Victory and many more.
At this time as well, religious groups in Canada such as 100 Huntley Street and the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada were growing and wanted God acknowledged in the Constitution.
Billboard Hot 100 | Sesame Street | Coronation Street | The Wall Street Journal | Wall Street | ''Billboard'' Hot 100 | 100 metres | Shortland Street | Hill Street Blues | Oxford Street | 10 Downing Street | Homicide: Life on the Street | E Street Band | Fleet Street | High Street | Manic Street Preachers | Wall Street Crash of 1929 | Regent Street | Downing Street | Street Fighter | King Street | High Street, Oxford | Russell Street | Sauchiehall Street | Russell Street, Melbourne | Great Ormond Street Hospital | Flinders Street | Broad Street | Yonge Street | Liverpool Street station |
Elguera has been on Nickelodeon, E.S.P.N., The 700 Club, T.B.N.’s Fire By Night, 100 Huntley Street a Christian program in Canada and on television programming in various countries around the world.