
3 unusual facts about Four Mothers

Daughters Courageous

However, the storyline of Four Daughters and the Lemp family is continued in the 1940 film, Four Wives, and 1941's Four Mothers.

Four Mothers

Four Mothers is the 1941 film sequel to Four Daughters (1938) and Four Wives (1939) starring Priscilla Lane and two of her sisters, and featuring Gale Page, Claude Raines, and Eddie Albert.

The Lane Sisters (Priscilla Lane, Rosemary Lane, and Lola Lane), Page, and Raines appear in all three films, and also made a similar picture together playing different characters called Daughters Courageous (1939) which also co-stars John Garfield.

see also

Isabella Macdonald Alden

She and her niece, Grace Livingston Hill, even make a brief appearance in the final chapter of the last book in the series, Four Mothers at Chatauqua.