
5 unusual facts about Frères des Hommes

Frères des Hommes

Cenca in Peru walks with Lima poorest people, it develops economic activities for them and it helps them to become collective subjects.

Union of Farmer Groups of Méckhé (UGPM) in Senegal carries out supporting activities to provide inputs to training and socialization for young farmers in the Thiès region.

Coraca-Protal in Bolivia, it’s a peasant organization that goes into action and leads a global local development program in the region of Cochabamba, in the center of Bolivia, basically organizing the production, transformation and commercialization of food crops;

In the region of Bukavu, these two organisations have developed economical and educational activities carried out by women and for women that do not have enough means (2009–2011);

Graim in Senegal is an association that works with decentralisation and with the health and education sectors, in the Thiès region.

see also