
3 unusual facts about François Lionet


AMOS BASIC, developed by François Lionet, was a commercial language which provided extensive support for the Amiga's graphics hardware and was designed primarily for games programming.

Constantin Sotiropoulos

Constantin Sotiropoulos is most famous for being the co-creator (with François Lionet) of AMOS BASIC, a popular beginners programming language for the Commodore Amiga home computer, and STOS BASIC on the Atari ST.

François Lionet

François Lionet is a French programmer, best known for having written AMOS BASIC on the Amiga and STOS BASIC on the Atari ST (along with Constantin Sotiropoulos).


One of the developers in Jawx, Francois Lionet, was later to form Clickteam with Yves Lamoureux and went on to release the Klik (click) series of games-creation tools (which were dissimilar to STOS as they use a primarily mouse-driven interface without the need for traditional code).

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