
22 unusual facts about François Mitterrand

André Henry

He served as Minister of Free Time from 1981 to 1983, under former President François Mitterrand.

Catherine Colonna

In 1988 she became a technical advisor in Minister of Public Works Maurice Faure's cabinet, under the presidency of François Mitterrand.

Charles Fiterman

He served as Minister of Transport from 1981 to 1984, under former President François Mitterrand.

Franco-German Brigade

The Brigade was formed in 1987 following a summit between President Mitterrand of France and Chancellor Kohl of Germany.

Frederick Rousseau

Rousseau followed the Greek composer to Holland for Eureka, the European community project initiated by François Mitterrand on the theme of Industry and Transport.

Gertrude Blom

Eventually, Casa Na Bolom evolved into an inn attracting visitors from all over the world, including archeologists from major American universities and guests as notable as Diego Rivera, François Mitterrand, Helen Hayes, and Henry Kissinger.

Guy Bedos

He is also famous for his left-wing political affiliation and he had supported politicians such as François Mitterrand.

Hilton McConnico

His collaboration with Daum crystal began in 1987; some of his "Cactus" creations for the manufacturer were presented by former French President François Mitterrand to President George H. W. Bush as a gift of state.

Jacques Lanxade

He was a private chief of staff of François Mitterrand, President of the French Republic, from 1989 to 1991, and became chief of defense of the French Armed Forces from 1991 to 1995.

Jean Laurain

He served as Minister of Veteran Affairs from 1981 to 1983, under former President François Mitterrand.

Jean-Paul Favre De Thierrens

Later, on 12 September 1994, François Mitterrand in a television interview about his Vichyst past, talked about Favre de Thierrens as a colourful character.

Michel Delebarre

During François Mitterrand's Presidency he held several ministerial posts between 1984 and 1986 and between 1988 and 1993.

Mir EO-4

The French president at the time, François Mitterrand, insisted on attending the launch of the Soyuz TM-7, of which Frenchman Chrétien was a crew member.

Mirko Beljanski

Mirko Beljanski (1923–1998) was a French-Serbian molecular biologist, notable in the latter part of his career for devising and promoting a number of ineffective cancer treatments, and for treating French president François Mitterrand with them.

Nickerson Field

In 1989, to accommodate commencement speakers U.S. President George H. W. Bush and French President François Mitterrand, a large platform was constructed to Secret Service specifications on one side of the field.

Olivier Auber

This same work in 1988 became the central concept of a monumental, architectural and technological project, one of the seven winners of the international competition for the creation of the "France-Japan Monument" on Awaji Island in the Bay of Kobe, launched under the aegis of François Mitterrand.

Omani French Museum

On January 29, 1992, Sultan Qaboos bin Said and the late French President François Mitterrand established a museum in the palace to preserve the historical Omani-French relations.

Robert Ménard

He became the target of many lawsuits, in one of which, François Mitterrand, later President of France gave a character reference.

Serge Fuster

Upon his death, he was given many tributes, including ones by President François Mitterrand, Prime Minister Michel Rocard, and Justice Pierre Arpaillange.

Togolese presidential election, 2010

Some other early announced candidates were the minor opposition leader Dahuku Péré, who led the Democratic Alliance for the Fatherland, as well as Kofi Yamgnane, who held dual nationality and served in the government of France under François Mitterrand.

William A. Haseltine

From 1986-1990 he served as an informal advisor to President François Mitterrand of France on HIV/AIDs working primarily with his chief of staff Jacques Attali.

Yndamiro Restano Díaz

During a 1995 trip to France by Fidel Castro, Danielle Mitterrand, wife of former French President François Mitterrand, requested his release along with that of five other prisoners.

Ahmat Acyl

Consequently, when, on October 22, French President François Mitterrand proposed to send an Organisation of African Unity peace contingent into Chad to replace the Libyans, Goukouni and the GUNT asked the Libyans to leave immediately Chad (not without debate: 4 ministers, among whom Acyl, voted against the decision).

Alan Dargin

He performed on the streets of Sydney, through to performances in front of François Mitterrand and with many symphonies around the world, including the Vienna Philharmonic and the London Symphony Orchestra at Royal Albert Hall, as well as many other locations in the United States, Japan, and Europe.

Anne Sinclair

She interviewed French presidents François Mitterrand and Nicolas Sarkozy as well as US president Bill Clinton, Mikhail Gorbachev, Shimon Peres, Felipe González, German chancellors Helmut Kohl and Gerhard Schröder, Hillary Clinton, the UN Secretary General in New York during the first gulf war, and Prince Charles.


Many famous social democrats from other countries have visited Bommersvik through the years, including Shimon Peres, Neil Kinnock, Willy Brandt, Trygve Bratteli, Poul Nyrup Rasmussen, Kalevi Sorsa, Mário Soares, François Mitterrand and Bruno Kreisky.

Clémentine Autain

Her paternal uncle, François Autain, is a French Senator and member of Parti de gauche (Left Party) for Loire-Atlantique, as well as former Deputy Mayor of Bougue and former Secretary of State for Immigration, then for the Ministry of Defense during the presidency of François Mitterrand.

Élisabeth Guigou

After attending Sciences Po Aix and ENA, France's elite graduate school of public affairs, she worked on Jacques Delors' staff in 1982 before being hired by Hubert Védrine in François Mitterrand's.


In 1984, the President of France, François Mitterrand, and Colonel Muammar Gaddafi of Libya met in a luxurious Elounda resort to discuss conflict resolution in Chad.

European Movement International

Important political figures such as Konrad Adenauer, Winston Churchill, Harold Macmillan, François Mitterrand, Paul-Henri Spaak, Albert Coppé and Altiero Spinelli took an active role in the congress and a call was launched for a political, economic and monetary Union of Europe.

France–Pakistan relations

special Gaullist flavour, which was not much altered under the long Presidency of socialist François Mitterrand (1981-1995).

Jacques Cheminade

In 1983, Cheminade published a statement on the danger of "new fascism" posed by an alleged plot against French president François Mitterrand by some of his socialist ministers, including Jacques Delors and Michel Rocard.

Jean Lacouture

He is mainly known to the public because of his biographies, including the lives of Ho Chi Minh, Nasser, Léon Blum, De Gaulle, François Mauriac, Pierre Mendès-France, Mitterrand, Montesquieu, Montaigne, Malraux, Germaine Tillion, Champollion, Rivière, Stendhal and Kennedy.

Prime Minister of France

For example, right after the legislative election of 1986, President François Mitterrand appointed Jacques Chirac as prime minister, Chirac was a member of the RPR and a political opponent of Mitterrand's, and despite the fact the Mitterrand's own Socialist Party was still the largest party in the Assembly, the RPR had an ally in the UDF, which gave them a majority.

The Portrait Now

Varied subjects included self-portraits: Koons, Beltrami, Neel, Penck, less known figures and some famous names: Joseph Beuys by Warhol, Marlene Dietrich by Finer, President Mitterrand by Organ, Archbishop Desmond Tutu by Marisol, Seamus Heaney by Edwards, and 'The Smoking Man' a video portrait by Marty St.James.


In 1993, then-French President François Mitterrand returned one copy during a visit to Seoul to sell its high-speed TGV train technology; with the promised to return the remaining collection.

Yasuhiro Nakasone

A contemporary of Brian Mulroney, Ronald Reagan, Helmut Kohl, François Mitterrand, Margaret Thatcher, and Mikhail Gorbachev, he is best known for pushing through the privatization of state-owned companies, and for helping to revitalize Japanese nationalism during and after his term as prime minister.