
2 unusual facts about François Meyronnis

François Meyronnis

In 2009 Yannick Haenel and François Meyronnis published Prélude à la délivrance (Prelude to deliverance) gathering numerous conversations and essays about Varlam Shalamov, Paul Celan and the topic of resurrection in the novel Moby Dick.


The magazine has published work by Philippe Sollers, Julia Kristeva, Marcelin Pleynet, and other notable writers and young authors such as Marc-Edouard Nabe, Pierre Bourgeade, François Meyronnis, Yannick Haenel, Frédéric Berthet, David di Nota, Clément Rosset, Alexandre Duval-Stalla, Chantal Thomas, Thomas Ravier, Cécile Guilbert, Bernard Sichère, Raphaël Denys, Alessandro Mercuri, Steven Sampson...

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