
2 unusual facts about François Séverin Marceau-Desgraviers

François Séverin Marceau-Desgraviers

Marceau fought in the desperate actions on the Lahn (16–18 September 1796) until at Altenkirchen on 19 September, he received a mortal wound.

He took part in the 1795-1796 campaign with the armies of the Sambre and Meuse, fighting on the Rhine and the Lahn and distinguishing himself alongside Kléber near Neuwied and Sulzbach.

Henri de la Rochejaquelein

François Séverin Marceau, Jean Baptiste Kléber and François Joseph Westermann gave chase, defeating him once in Le Mans on December 12, and again, more severely, on the 23rd of December in Savenay.

Paul Kray

It was he who, at Altenkirchen, cared for the dying Marceau (1796), and the white uniforms of Kray and his staff mingled with the blue of the French in the funeral procession of the young general of the Republic.

see also