
3 unusual facts about Frances Burney

Frances Burney

Although the conditions of their time in France left her isolated from her family, Burney was supportive of her husband’s decision to move to Passy, outside Paris.

She quickly became close to Gen. Alexandre D'Arblay, an artillery officer who had been adjutant-general to Lafayette, a hero of the French Revolution whose political views lay between those of Royalist and of Republicans.

She was buried with her son and her husband in Walcot cemetery in Bath, and a gravestone was later erected in the churchyard of St Swithin's across the road.

Hester Thrale

Due to her husband's financial status, she was able to enter London society, as a result of which she met Samuel Johnson, James Boswell, Bishop Thomas Percy, Oliver Goldsmith and other literary figures, including the young Fanny Burney, whom she took with her to Gay Street, Bath.

see also

Streatham Park

These pictures were wittily labelled by Frances Burney as the Streatham Worthies.