
4 unusual facts about Frances Lankin

Frances Lankin

Previously a defender of universal free drug coverage for senior citizens, she now supported Finance Minister Floyd Laughren's introduction of user fees.

On November 30, 2010, the provincial government announced the appointment of Lankin and Munir Sheikh to lead the Commission for the Review of Social Assistance in Ontario.

Marion Bryden

The Beaches—Woodbine riding, now renamed as Beaches—East York, has remained in NDP hands since that time with Bryden being succeeded by Frances Lankin and Michael Prue.

Tony Silipo

He ran for the leadership of the NDP in 1996, but was unable to build a strong support base and finished fourth behind Howard Hampton, Frances Lankin and Peter Kormos.

Ruth Grier

She was sometimes considered as one of the most important ministers in Rae's cabinet, though she actually had less influence over government decisions than Floyd Laughren, Frances Lankin and Dave Cooke.

see also