
2 unusual facts about Frank Hutchens

Frank Hutchens

Scholarships in composition are awarded annually in his name to students under 25, and his portrait, by Cornish painter Stanhope Forbes, is held by the Sydney Conservatorium to which he devoted so much of his working life.

He was still active as a performer and teacher when he sustained fatal injuries in a car accident, and died at Mona Vale Hospital on 18 October 1965.

John Boswell Maver

As a student of the NSW Conservatorium of Music, he studied piano with the noted pianist/composer Frank Hutchens (a pupil of Tobias Matthay), and composition with Raymond Hanson.

Lindley Evans

He is best known for his collaboration with Frank Hutchens in a famous piano duet, which lasted 41 years, and as the ABC's "Mr Melody Man" for 30 years.

see also