Frank Albert Young (1876–1941), United States Marine and Medal of Honor recipient
Frank L. Young (1860–1930), New York assemblyman and Supreme Court justice
Frank George Young (1908–1988), biochemist and first Master of Darwin College, Cambridge
Frank Sinatra | Frank Zappa | Neil Young | Frank Lloyd Wright | Brigham Young University | The Young and the Restless | Frank Capra | Frank Gehry | Ernst & Young | L. Frank Baum | Brigham Young | Frank Stella | Frank | Frank Herbert | Frank Wedekind | Anne Frank | Young Vic | BSC Young Boys | Frank Loesser | Frank Langella | Young & Rubicam | Frank Whittle | Frank Keating | Steve Young | Frank Lautenberg | Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young | Young Pioneers | Loretta Young | Lester Young | Frank McCourt |
In 1928, a Frank Young brought the property which was now known as Blairmount and turned it into a horse stud specialising in Clydesdale horses.