
2 unusual facts about Frederick Bianchi, Duke of Casalanza

Karl Philipp von Wrede

From Biburg, he moved on Kirchdorf and attacked Frederick Bianchi's reinforced brigade.

Prince Heinrich XV of Reuss-Plauen

He commanded 12 battalions in the brigades of Federico Bianchi and Franz Schulz von Rothacker.

Frederick Bianchi

The walkout was eventually thwarted when the Musician’s Union conceded that it could not prevent producer Sir Cameron Mackintosh from using the technology.

Bianchi’s Virtual Orchestra work includes over 300,000 performances worldwide and collaborations with Lucent Technologies and Cirque du Soleil.

The Kentucky Opera’s use of the Virtual Orchestra in the 1995 production of Hansel and Gretel marks the first use of virtual orchestra technology by a major performing arts organization.


In 1815, at the battle of Tolentino, Joachim Murat was decisively defeated by Frederick Bianchi at the head of Austrian forces, resulting in his abdication.

see also