
5 unusual facts about Frederick Rolfe

Augustus Theodore Bartholomew

Bartholomew left behind him not only his considerable contributions to the life of the University Library, but also his bibliographical research (he was a major collector of Butleriana, and he was the first to assemble a preliminary biography of Frederick Rolfe), and a number of friends and colleagues who missed his pleasant company.

Frederick Rolfe

In 1887 he was sponsored to train at St Mary's College, Oscott near Birmingham and in 1889 was a student at the Scots College in Rome, but was thrown out by both due to his inability to concentrate on priestly studies and his erratic behaviour.

At this stage he entered the circle of the Duchess Sforza Cesarini, who, he claimed, adopted him as a grandson and gave him the use of the title of "Baron Corvo".

While he began to experiment with photography when he was a schoolmaster, it was his time in Rome in 1889–90 that introduced him to the work of the 'Arcadian' photographers Wilhelm von Gloeden and Guglielmo Plüschow.

His seminary, the Scots College, was quite close to Plüschow's studio in via Sardegna, just off the via Veneto, and when Rolfe was expelled from the College and came under the benevolent patronage of the Duchess Sforza Cesarini, he began his own photographic efforts in imitation of von Gloeden and Plüschow.

see also