
unusual facts about Free Territory of Trieste

Free Territory of Trieste municipal election, 1949

Municipal elections were held in the six municipalities of the Anglo-American occupation zone ('Zone A') of the Free Territory of Trieste in June 1949, Trieste, Duino-Aurisina, San Dorligo della Valle, Sgonico, Monrupino and Muggia.

see also

James Carnes

James Jewett Carnes (1899–1986) American military leader; Governor of Free Territory of Trieste in 1947

Jerry Planutis

Planutis attended West Hazleton High School, PA, and served in the Army, during his period in Free Territory of Trieste played football with local team, appeared in two Rose Bowl games for the Spartans, and was head football coach at John Adams High School in South Bend, IN.