
unusual facts about Duino-Aurisina

Free Territory of Trieste municipal election, 1949

Municipal elections were held in the six municipalities of the Anglo-American occupation zone ('Zone A') of the Free Territory of Trieste in June 1949, Trieste, Duino-Aurisina, San Dorligo della Valle, Sgonico, Monrupino and Muggia.


Duino is noted for being the place where the physicist Ludwig Boltzmann committed suicide and for inspiring the poet Rainer Maria Rilke to write his Duino Elegies.

Erwin Schrödinger

Between 1914 and 1918 he participated in war work as a commissioned officer in the Austrian fortress artillery (Gorizia, Duino, Sistiana, Prosecco, Vienna).

Juan Pablo Di Pace

At 17 he was awarded a scholarship from the United World College of the Adriatic in Duino, Trieste, Italy and later studied theatre at the London Studio Centre.

Ludwig Boltzmann

On September 5, 1906, while on a summer vacation in Duino, near Trieste, Boltzmann hanged himself during an attack of depression.

Marquard of Randeck

Marquard received a state with numerous rebellions, such as those of Gualtiero Bertoldo IV of Spilimbergo and of the lords of Duino, and in war with Albert III and Leopold III of Austria.

Rainer Maria Rilke

Between October 1911 and May 1912, Rilke stayed at the Castle Duino, near Trieste, home of Princess Marie of Thurn und Taxis.

Thurn und Taxis

Rainer Maria Rilke wrote his Duino Elegies while visiting Princess Marie of Thurn and Taxis (née princess of Hohenlohe) at her family's Duino castle.

see also