
unusual facts about Fregoso


Ottaviano Fregoso

Ottaviano and Federigo Fregoso are participants in the fictional discussion presided over by Elisabetta Gonzaga, Duchess of Urbino, in Baldassare Castiglione's The Book of the Courtier, which was supposed to have taken place at the court of Urbino in 1507.

Pietro Fregoso

Pietro Fregoso (or Campofregoso; 1330 – 22 April 1404) was a politician and statesman who became the 13th Doge of Genoa.

Pomellina Fregoso

Pomellina (or Pomelline) was a member of the noble Fregoso (or Campofregoso) family of Genoa, which included several doges of Genoa among its members.

Rosa-Linda Fregoso

It was the predecessor to KUT-FM's Latino USA (launched in 1993), a radio program that Fregoso contributed to as a film critic in its early years.

Rosa-Linda Fregoso is the Professor and former Chair of Latin American and Latino Studies at the University of California, Santa Cruz.

Simone Boccanegra

With the old patriciate excluded from power, a new class of mercantile houses arose: Adorno, Guarco, Fregoso, and Montaldo.

see also