
38 unusual facts about French navy

Aventurier-class destroyer

The Aventurier class was a class of four destroyers of the French Navy launched in 1911, and used during the First World War.

Battle of the Mediterranean

However, the French Navy (formally the "National Navy" - Marine Nationale), was still considerably smaller than the navy of its ally, Britain.

Bouclier-class destroyer

The Bouclier class, or Casque class, was a class of twelve destroyers of the French Navy built between 1910 and 1912, four of which were lost during the First World War.

Charles Cotesworth Pinckney

Relations with the French First Republic was then at a low ebb: the Jay Treaty between the US and Great Britain had angered members of the ruling French Directory, and they had ordered the French Navy to step up seizures of American merchant vessels found to be trading with Britain, with whom France was at war.

Charles de Souancé

Charles de Souancé (1823–1896) was a French ornithologist and a purser in the French Navy, more precisely "Commissaire de la Marine".

Claymore-class destroyer

The Claymore class was a class of thirteen destroyers of the French Navy built between 1905-1908, used during the First World War.

Diplomatic history of World War II

Under the armistice, France had been allowed to retain the French Navy, the Marine Nationale, under strict conditions.

Emmanuel d'Astier de La Vigerie

Born in Paris, he attended the Naval Academy, but resigned from the French Navy in 1923.

Enseigne Roux-class destroyer

The Enseigne Roux class was a class of two destroyers of the French Navy, laid down in 1913, and launched in 1915, seeing service in the First World War.


The French Navy held, between 1671 and 1846, at least 23 sailing vessels christened with the name Entreprenant, French for "Enterprising".

Eugène Collache

Eugène Collache (1850s?-?) was an officer of the French Navy in the 19th century.

Faulknor-class flotilla leader

Botha was damaged in the English Channel on 21 March 1918 off the coast of Flanders when she rammed and sank the German torpdeo boat A-19 and was then torpedoed in error by the French destroyer Capitaine Mehl.

Gabriel Guist'hau

As minister of the Navy, he oversaw the reconstruction of the French Navy, after the ravages of the First World War.

Great War at Sea series

Based on hypothetical plans for fighting the French Navy, Plan Gold features an operational map of the Caribbean.

Greek destroyer Aetos

Due to Greece's neutrality, the four Beast Class ships were seized by the Allies in October 1916, taken over by the French in November, and served in the French Navy from 1917-18.

Greek destroyer Ierax

During World War I, Greece belatedly entered the war on the side of the Triple Entente and, due to Greece's neutrality the four Beast Class ships were seized by the Allies in October, 1916, taken over by the French in November, and served in the French Navy from 1917-18.

Italian invasion of France

The French Navy (Marine Nationale) was the only service in a position to act against the Italians.

Jean Odin

He served as a member, and then as secretary, of the Senate committee which dealt with French Navy affairs.

Jean Tirilly

He trained as a navy mechanic, enlisted in the Marine Nationale, and travelled the globe for a number of years aboard the Foch aircraft carrier.

Le Crabe-tambour

The title character played by Jacques Perrin is based on the famous French Navy officer Pierre Guillaume.

Leningrad-class destroyer leader

They were inspired by the contre-torpilleurs built for the French Navy.


The past is still preserved today in the Historical Naval Museum which also recounts the epic naval battles of the past between the French Navy and the Royal Navy.

Maritime Analysis and Operations Centre

In an operation in June, 2007, 840 kilograms of cocaine were seized aboard a Brazilian flagged vessel which was intercepted by the French Navy, acting on UK intelligence.

Musée national de la Marine

From 1905, ethnographic items were transferred to other museums, and in 1920, the administration of the Museum was transferred to the French Navy.

Niki-class destroyer

During World War I, these ships were seized by the French Navy when Greece did not enter the war on the side of the allies, and were returned to the Hellenic Royal Navy in 1917 when Greece declared war.

Operation Vigorous

The French Fleet and the Royal Navy's Mediterranean Fleet dominated the only potential and credible adversary, Italy's Regia Marina.

Oriani-class destroyer

She was given to the French Navy as a war reparation, where she served as the D'Estaing until 1954

Patagonian toothfish

Because of previous poaching, the French Navy and Australian Customs vessels still work in tangent, patrolling both French and Australian EEZs, having made numerous arrests and seizures in the late 1990s to early 2000s.

Pierre Douville

He joined the French Navy and lived in Rhode Island during the American Revolution serving as French military intelligence officer who provided General George Washington with British ship and troop movements.

Postage stamps and postal history of the Comoros

Following excess by French adventurer Léon Humblot against Comorian people, the French Navy intervened in the archipelago and imposed the French administration.

Rochefortais-class destroyer

The Rochefortais class or Pertuisane class was a class of four destroyers of the French Navy built between 1902-03, used during the First World War.

Ropes course

A French naval officer in the early 1900s, Hébert developed his own method of physical education, apparatus, and principles to train in what he called the “Natural Method,” which included the development of physical, moral, and “virile” qualities in an outdoor environment.

Salvador María del Carril

Rosas' grasp on power began to slip after the 1838 blockade imposed by France following the death of a French journalist in Buenos Aires, and del Carril was named Supply Commissioner to the French Navy fleet stationed in the Río de la Plata.

SMS S113

She was transferred to the French Navy on 1 June 1920 and renamed Amiral Sénès.

Tôn Đức Thắng

In 1919, in the Black Sea when he was with the French Navy, Thắng claimed to participate in a plot with fellow sailors to turn over the French warship Waldeck-Rousseau to the enemy Bolshevik revolutionaries.

Toulon–Hyères Airport

This airport is shared with the French Navy, as "la base d’aviation navale d'Hyères" (BAN d'Hyères).

Vim Karénine

He enlisted in the French Navy for two years, aboard Jeanne d' Arc midship cruiser visiting the Far East, northern and southern America, Australia and New Zealand.

War at Sea

Among these variations are rules for the French Navy (which is interned early in the war), the Greek Navy, a third Russian port on the Black Sea, Allied mini-submarines (such as the 'X-craft' submarines that were used to attack the German battleship Tirpitz late in the war), and additional ships that were not represented in the original game.

Alain Oudot de Dainville

Admiral Alain Oudot de Dainville (born 15 March 1947 in Marsat (Puy de Dôme)) is a French Navy officer.

Clan Malcolm

Zachary's younger brother was Duncan whose son, Neil MacCallum served in the French Navy and is said to have been the natural father of Louis-Joseph de Montcalm.

Dewoitine D.750

In 1937, the French Air Ministry drew up a specification for a twin-engined torpedo bomber to operate from the French Navy's two planned new aircraft carriers, the Joffre and Painlevé.


Founded as Donnet-Denhaut by Jérôme Donnet (formerly of Donnet-Lévêque) and François Denhaut at Neuilly-sur-Seine in 1914, the firm manufactured a highly successful line of patrol flying boats (the Donnet-Denhaut flying boat series) for the French Navy.

École Militaire

It succeeds the former Collège interarmées de Défense (Joint Service Defense College), itself the result of the merger of the four Écoles supérieures de guerre of the French Army, French Navy, French Air Force and National Gendarmerie, and the Cours supérieur interarmées since 1 September 1993.

French ship Andromaque

Seven ships of the French Navy have borne the name Andromaque in honour of Andromache, wife of Hector, daughter of Eetion, and sister to Podes.

French ship Créole

Six ships of the French navy have bourn the name Créole in honour of Creole peoples.

French ship Latouche-Tréville

Three ships of the French Navy have borne the name Latouche-Tréville in honour of the 19th century politician and admiral Louis-René Levassor de Latouche Tréville.

French ship Richelieu

Four ships of the French Navy have been named in honour of Armand-Jean du Plessis, Cardinal and Duc de Richelieu, considered to be one of the founders of the French Navy.

Général de corps d'armée

The equivalent rank in the Air Force is général de corps d'armée aérien ("general of air army corps") and in the Navy is vice-amiral d'escadre ("vice-admiral of squadron").

Henri-François des Herbiers, Marquis de l'Estenduère

Coming from a noble family from Poitou, he began his navigational skills under the direction of his uncle, and began his naval career at an early age in the Marine royale.

Jacques Pâris de Bollardière

In July 1973, he was arrested by the French Navy during protests against nuclear trials in Mururoa, along with journalist Brice Lalonde, priest Jean Toulat and Jean-Marie Muller.

Louis Guillouet, comte d'Orvilliers

In 1728, he transferred to the Navy and, by 1756, had become a captain, commanding one of the ships sent to Minorca under the direction of La Galissonière.

Military reserve forces of France

These reservists serve in many branches of the forces - the air force, army, gendarmerie, navy, health service, supply corps, and DGA.

Paul Teste

Paul Marcel Teste (2 October 1892 — 13 June 1925) was a French Navy officer aviator, notable for the first aeronaval landing of the French Navy aboard the Béarn.

Raymond Schlemmer

In 1947, the Jamboree of Peace was held at Moisson, and Schlemmer directed a marine camp on an island in the Seine next to the Jamboree site, with the assistance of the French navy.

Ulane Bonnel

Following their marriage, Bonnel went to France with her husband, who had a distinguished career in the French Navy, rising to be chief of the maritime health service (chef du service santé des gens de mer) in 1969-72 and an internationally recognized biologist associated with the World Health Organization.