Ricœur's work has been grouped with Herbert Marcuse's Eros and Civilization (1955), Norman O. Brown's Life Against Death (1959), Philip Rieff's Freud: The Mind of the Moralist (1959), and Jürgen Habermas's Knowledge and Human Interests (1968), books which jointly placed Sigmund Freud at the center of moral and philosophical inquiry.
Doctor of Philosophy | philosophy | Sigmund Freud | Philosophy | Freud | Lucian Freud | Jewish philosophy | Indian philosophy | Chinese philosophy | Islamic philosophy | Anna Freud | University of Belgrade Faculty of Philosophy | Philosophy of mathematics | philosophy of mathematics | Objectivity (philosophy) | Freud Museum | Buddhist philosophy | Analytic philosophy | analytic philosophy | Ubuntu (philosophy) | The Journal of Philosophy | school of philosophy | Philosophy of mind | Natural philosophy | natural philosophy | Medieval philosophy | Marxist philosophy | history and philosophy of science | Hindu philosophy | Bella Freud |