
unusual facts about Friars Minor

Alphonso de Spina

Thought by many to be a convert from Judaism, Alphonso de Spina was for many years superior of the House of Studies of the Friars Minor at Salamanca, and in 1491 was created Bishop of Thermopylae in Greece.

Crested Lark

Francis of Assisi considered the Crested Lark a bird of special significance, based on similarities he perceived between it and the life of the Friars Minor: its plain earth-colored plumage and hood, its humility ("for it goes willingly along the wayside and finds a grain of corn for itself"), and its time spent in song.

Peter Olivi

At twelve he entered the Friars Minor at Béziers, and later studied at Paris, but never obtained the baccalaureate.

see also

Basilica of Our Lady of Zapopan

The abbey is made up of members of the Franciscan Order of Friars Minor, though it is also used by the Capuchin, Third order, Society of Saint Francis, the Clarisse, and Franciscan sisters.

Cardinals created by Urban V

Marco da Viterbo, O.F.M., master general of the Order of Friars Minor – cardinal-priest of Santa Prassede (received the title on 14 December 1367), † 4 September 1369.

Henry de Beaume

According to one source, he was a member of the community of friars in Mirabeau when they accepted the Observant reform then growing among the Friars Minor.

Jenico Preston, 17th Viscount Gormanston

The castle is fully maintained by the Franciscan Order of Friars Minor (OFM), who bought it circa 1950.

Juan Landázuri Ricketts

After finishing his theological studies in 1949, he was briefly a faculty member of the Franciscan Theological Seminary in Puerto Ocopa, but his status within the wider Church was increasing rapidly and he became the general definitor of the Order of Friars Minor by 1951.

Marcellino da Civezza

He entered the order of the Friars Minor in the Roman province, receiving the habit at Cori, 1 February 1838.

Nicholas Bozon

He was, by his own admission, del ordre de freres menours ("of the order of the Friars Minor"), and probably associated with the Nottingham friary, since he refers in his own writings to the Trent and Derwent rivers.